‘SNL’s Weekend Update Sees Jason Sudeikis Reprise Role As The Devil


On tonight’s Halloween episode of Saturday Night Live, Jason Sudeikis returned to Weekend Update to reprise his role as The Devil, catching co-anchor Colin Jost up on the latest in his life.

Jost noted that it has been four or five years since The Devil last graced the desk at Studio 8H. “It’s because I’ve been busy, baby,” Sudeikis’ Devil said. “The last few years have been pretty good for old Beelzebub here.”

The Devil noted that he’s had many “little side projects” to keep him busy, including “earthquakes,” “killer storms” and an “Instagram for kids,” he’s been “trying to get…off the ground.”

Then, of course, there’s the climate. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been making things up here feel more like where I’m from,” said The Devil. “I mean, have you ever been to Florida? That’s not that different from Hell…It’s people in their hundreds, and the temperatures are also in the hundreds.”

The Devil told Jost that Florida is where he likes to “beta test” a lot of his new ideas, also noting he’s stuck his fork of late into the world of sports. “I mean, you saw that the Astros won,” he said. “They shouldn’t have!”

For The Devil, stopping by SNL represented a nice change of pace. After all, back at home, Rush Limbaugh has been “talking [his] horns off.”

At one point, he received a call, sharing that it was Prince Andrew—again.

“The guy is blowing up my phone all the time,” he complained. “All these pics of me, him and J Eps, they’ve been coming out. I look pretty good, though.”

Jost subsequently asked The Devil about other aspects of modern society he’s responsible for, and he happily took credit for both bitcoin and vaping. When asked if he’s behind QAnon, he promptly dismissed the suggestion. “Hey! No. Those guys are crazy. A bunch of sad internet psychos thinking a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles exists,” he said. “It’s like, excuse me. Don’t drag my good name into your sick internet fantasies.”

The Devil then demanded that Jost take his question back. “Or I swear,” he threatened, “I’ll go back on my deal to let you marry Scarlett [Johansson].”

Jost denied any deal of the sort took place, with The Devil insisting, “You baby trapped her! I don’t know who screwed her more, you or Disney.”

Elsewhere on tonight’s edition of Weekend Update, Jost and his co-anchor Michael Che discussed everything from a scandal surrounding the lead singer of the band Smash Mouth, to a recent episode of Gwyneth Paltrow’s Netflix series, Sex Love & Goop, to the sale of a Star Wars-themed house in Florida.

Tonight’s episode is the first hosted by longtime SNL cast member Sudeikis, who was joined by musical guest Brandi Carlile. Sudeikis’ segment as The Devil can be found below.

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