Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7 Review: A Hail Mary


Wow. After a rocky start to the season, the latest episode of Fire Country lived up to its name by delivering a Hail Mary to get things back on track.

Fans have felt slighted recently, with many complaining that the latest episodes have failed to achieve the awesomeness of Fire Country Season 1.

We should note that some problems seem to be caused by industry-crushing strikes. Programming has been askew across the board as creators try to fit an entire season into a truncated space. It seems the delayed start wasn’t the worst of it.

Fire Country hasn’t escaped unscathed. So far, every hour has been packed with too much action, bizarre storylines, poor character development, and wonky, stilted dialogue.

While it’s an ongoing trend, Fire Country Season 2 Episode 6 turned things around.

So, this seemed the perfect opportunity for Deputy Mickey Fox to return. At least now we know she exists, even when she’s not at a crime scene.

A lot happened on Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7, but it was done well, and after escaped inmates caused problems previously, this time, they were celebrated for their heroism.

As the reporter accessed the facility, we witnessed many changes, including some that turned the conservation camp into a prison.

Luke ordered the inmates to construct a fence around the entire perimeter. He also took away their privileges, such as phone calls and visitors.

And if that wasn’t enough to remind the transitioning inmates of their limbo between worlds, some do-gooder residents of Edgewater showed up with shirts, signs, and loud voices to protest Three Rock’s preRock’sin their town.

Everyone knows things start to get wishy-washy when the loudmouths show up.

The storyline became even more complicated when a verbal altercation between Manny and a protester led to a truck crashing through the newly constructed barriers, injuring three people.

While there were no fires to battle this week, the action was still intense. It was interesting to see the storyline focus more on medical emergencies.

Given the rumors of two new FC spinoffs, we have to wonder if this is the creators’ testing the waters for a paramedic show. It was successful in several universes, including Shondaland and One Chicago.

Despite the absence of fire, Eve, Bode, Jake, and Gabriela showed us heroes can wear many capes. They handled the threat of a medical emergency with poise and level heads.

Much better than anyone handled the emotional, personal side of things.

Everyone butted heads in this episode, from guards trying to rule the firefighter inmates with an iron fist instead of professional courtesy to Eve putting the corrections officers in place.

Vince and Jake were having a dispute that involved Sharon and Bode. Gene was lashing out at all the adults.

Manny was disagreeing with Luke and the protesters. We support you, Manny! Thanks for being a champion.

There was a lot of negativity going on in every subplot. It was very soapy. But there were some good parts and some holy hell parts, too. It was all over the map.

Gabriela is now a certified paramedic and had her first experience as the medic in charge.

Seeing her grow into her own and handle things with professionalism was refreshing. She might make a hell of a firefighter medic in time.

It was exciting to see her in action. It was interesting to observe Manny’s concern when things went south, and Gab ended up stuck in a truck surrounded by electricity.

It was also a nice break not to have any relationship drama. The awkward love triangle involving Bode, Gabriela, and her new fiance, Diego, was strategically absent.

Smart call! However, anyone watching close enough would see the forlorn look of longing that Bode shot Gabes when things were tense.

As much as we loved seeing Gabriela come into her own, there was less love for Bode’s behavior.

Look, he’s been incredible — and he’s definitely sexy AF — but the dude needs to learn his place.

This episode did his character dirty. How is he always about following the rules until the rules mean he doesn’t get his way?

This viewer was not impressed by Bode’s self-righteousness.

He’s good at his job and comes from a long line of heroes. Plus, he’s saved multiple people with his bravery and quick thinking, but he seems to think that some rules don’t apply to him.

After all the drama from the last few episodes, Eve told him multiple times that the entire camp was on lockdown, yet he repeatedly thought ignoring her orders and doing what he wanted was okay.

And to question his superior like that? He has zero respect for Eve’s authority.

Is it because they have a personal relationship as best friends or because he thinks he knows better because he’s a Leone?

If the camp was on lockdown and no one else could have visitors or leave, why did Bode think he could? Yes, he should have been present at the legal proceedings where his parents were granted guardianship custody of Gene.

Are the courts okay with believing a woman’s deathbed confession to a prisoner without requiring anything else?

Everything surrounding the paternity and guardianship of Cara’s dauCara’shas been odd.

Speaking of the preteen, the writers need to make their minds up on what they will do with that girl’s future. They’ve had her going through all kinds of trauma for the sake of ratings.

First, she finds out her sister is her mom. Then, she learns that Bode might be her dad. Then, Uncle Jake will marry her mom, making him her new stepdad.

But wait, let’s kill off her mom and put her into the custody of two strangers just because they share the same DNA as the man who might be the dad.

No wonder she broke down during the legal proceedings and snapped at Jake.

Now, suddenly, Jake decides he’s the person who should fulfill the role of her dad because he knows her.

Couldn’t Bode learn everything about her, too, if he had time? It wasn’t like Jake had been with her for that long.

Let’s just toss poor Bode to the curve after saving his life with the news that he might be a dad. Who cares about Cara’s expCara’swishes that Bode be the one who raises her?!

Bode: What happened with signing the papers today?
Jake: Listen, uh, about that.
Bode: If you don’t think that I’m right for the job, for Gene, then just say something.
Jake: No. It’s not about you Bode. Whether or not you’re right for the job. I have the job. She doesn’t know you. But I know her. Look, I know that she hates the dentist and sleeping with her socks on. That she loves thunderstorms. That when she says eggs over easy what she really means is over medium. And that she needs to know what’s coming around the corner in detail. Or else she gets really anxious.
Bode: Okay. Okay. Look, I haven’t had a chance to get to know her.
Jake: I know. But I’ve been raising her. That I want to. And more importantly, Gene wants me to. And I’m nervous and I will need help. So I’m not trying to push you out B, but I think this needs to be me. And you’ll be Uncle Bode.

I’m still undecided about where I stand on Gen’s fate. I understand how close she is to Jake. And she’s currently at odds with her entire life. Bode’s DNA didn’t match, so technically, he has no claim.

But it was her mom’s dying wish that she become part of the Leone family. And if Jake was so interested in raising Gene as his own, why didn’t he do anything before it was time for the Leones to sign the legal papers?

Jake made a good point when he told Bode that he’s done nothing but live for others. But what will he do now that he doesn’t have a cause to keep him on the right path?

Bode: When you called me, you told me that she was my daughter.
Jake: I know. And I messed up.
Bode: It saved my life. She’s the reason I was working so hard.
Jake: Look, I know you might think that, but before that, your reason was Gabriela. Before that, it was your folks. Man, you went back to prison for Freddy. I don’t know, but you keep putting your reason for living on other people. And I don’t know if it’s because you don’t want to look at yourself but you have to count on yourself.
Bode: That’s easy for you to say. Out there.
Jake: No. It isn’t. ‘Cause in case you forgot, I was counting on a future with Cara. But things change in an instant.
Bode: Yeah.

He only returned to the good-guy routine because he thought he was a dad. How will Jake’s ratJake’srupt claim that he would be a better dad to Gene than Bode affect Bode’s behavior in the final few episodes?

And how will Vince and Sharon react? They were a bit hesitant to take on the role of guardians for Gene. And they’re close with Jake. But will they be okay with losing their second chance at raising a teenage girl?

Jake would have his hands full since he’s already confused about the hormonal outbursts of a preteen girl. Is he ready for a single-dad gig?

Jake: Gene’s never snapped at me like that.
Vince: She’s grieving. And she’s preteen. Trust me. Outbursts like that, pretty normal.
Jake: No. Gene’s like me. She bottles it up.
Vince: Hm. ‘Kay. Unbottled then. What are you trying to say?
Jake: Okay, well fine, if we’re doing it. All due respect, maybe you guys and Bode rushed the decision. I mean, maybe, just maybe, you guys rushed Gene.

Then again, would Bode be any better prepared? He can’t follow simple directions or get told no without a temper tantrum.

And he’s pretty impulsive, as we see when he runs out of the camp boundaries to help a wounded civilian. Seeing Gabriela be all bossy when the guard tried to make Bode come within the fence was awesome.

Then there’s the whole “let me be “a hero” thing when Bode ignores everyone to rush into the electrified danger zone.

Jake needed the help and shouldn’t have pulled a Bode by trying to do it alone. But why does Bode always think he has to be the hero?

Rushing into dangerous situations isn’t a responsible dad move — let that message go out to Bode and Jake.

Some strong parts of the episode stood out. It was awesome seeing Eve stand up for her crew.

So far this season, she’s been a hardass with little respect for the men under her charge. She’s been so busy trying to be a good captain that she hasn’t let herself have respect for the prisoner firefighters.

We’ve steadily seen her open up more to them and see them as her equals firefighters.

Tearing into the corrections officer was one of the top moments. She finally realizes that the men at the camp are working to get redemption and an early release into society.

They’ve earned the right to have the respect of those around them. And the crew is starting to return her respect.

Prison guard: Back to the barracks for a headcount. Let’s move.
Eve: Hey. Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you taking them?
Guard: I’m locking them up. There’s a lot of activity and a lot of civilians. Too many opportunities. This is protocol. Non-negotiable.
Eve: Hey. You want to know what’s protocol? Chain of command. When we’re on a call, these guys are with Cal Fire. And right now, we’re on a call. So my firefighters are going to stay right here and they will assist them as needed. Sound good? ‘Kay. Everyone grab your tools and move back where you were. Let’s go.

Not only does Eve support the men, but Manny also returns to being the camp’s knight in shining armor. He knows firsthand how difficult it can be to assimilate back into society after prison.

So, no one better to stand up for them than someone in their shoes. He kept his cool in the face of opposition, giving his side of the story to the protesters despite their disinterest.

Even though they were treating the camp like crap, Manny still saved the life of one of the protestors. While the events unfolding changed the protestors in a way that words couldn’t, it was a bit unrealistic.

People don’t change their minds that easily. But it’s television, so we don’t expect it to be like real life.

Protester: Is that guy really entering the hot zone?
Manny: Yeah. They’re inmate firefighters. This is what they volunteer to do.

It wasn’t right to let Luke turn the camp back into a prison. I haven’t trusted that man since he made a move on his brother’s brother’s then to go further and take Sharon’s job. He seemed less concerned than Eve with keeping the camp open.

Even when he spoke out against the reporter’s claims of a connection between the dead deputy and the escaped prisoner, it was like he was covering his ass instead of defending the camp.

And he wouldn’t appear in front of the camera, despite his ego? What’s up with that? Then he wouldn’t let Manny, the perfect spokesperson to showcase the success of the camp, do an interview either?

Manny: I’m living proof the program works.
Luke: I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation, okay? It’s not just Three Rock that’s under threat. It’s the whole fire camp system. And you and I both want the same thing. We want Three Rock to stay open. Remain strong.
Manny: Hell, it’s not even Three Rock anymore. You’ve taken away all their basic privileges, bro. You put up a fence. These guys feel like prisoners all over again.

Luke seemed almost giddy when he handed Eve the letter ordering the camp to shut down. He’s got major explaining to do.

Oddly, even the reporter and protesters changed their minds about the camp and the men staying there.

The impulse to show up, to help, and to protect is engrained in these men. The men of Three Rock Camp aren’t looking to escape. They know that Three Rock is their escape route. A way out of prison and maybe out of the life that brought them there. In the chaos of the accident, this reporter froze. But these inmates, they rushed to help the very people who protested their presence in their community.


The news report portrays them as the heroes they are trying to become, and the protesters witness their heroism firsthand.

And yet, that wasn’t enough to save the camp that has only had two infractions the entire time it’s been in existence? Who is the shot caller, and what are they getting in return for their decision?

The writers are great at dropping clues about what’s to come (including Fire Country Season 3), so it shouldn’t have been surprising when Vince got electrocuted after everyone was clear of the scene.

My heart stopped about as long as his, and I had my first FEEL of the season.

I expected heart palpitations worthy of the scene, but the resolution under-delivered. Vince was flatlining all the way to the hospital and got wheeled in by strangers, only to be perfectly fine. It would have been more exciting if we had seen Gabriela save his life before he got to the hospital.

The writers stole a prominent moment from our girl.

It also would have been interesting to see Gen included in the hospital scene. The writers don’t mind dramatizing the child, so why not let her have another potential parental figure nearly lost?

It could have strengthened their relationship. As it is, it’s no wonder she wants to stay with Jake.

One of my favorite lines of the episode happens when Manny comes to Vince’s room to confess his guilt.

Manny: Hey, listen, man. I just want to get something off my chest.
Vince: Hmm. Alright. Lay it on me.
Manny: I can’t shake the feeling that all of this is my fault. If I wasn’t fighting with that protester in the middle of the road and caused that truck to swerve, you wouldn’t be here right now.
Vince: If I’m mad at you, I got to be mad at Luke. For putting up the stupid fence. And then I got to be mad at the electric company — well, I’m always mad at them. It’s dumb luck bro. Plain and simple. It was just dumb luck. Alright? And dumb luck has given me as much as it has taken. So, I’m good. We’re good.
Manny: Yeah?
Vince: Yeah.
Manny: Alright. Get some rest.
Vince: Yeah. You go do some hero stuff.

I mean, who isn’t mad at the electric company these days? And that mouse bear stuffie? Where can I get one? A unique bear for a unique man.

What did you think of “A Hail Mary”? Are you a fan, or did the show fall flat for your expectations?

If you’ve got something to say, we want to hear from you. I need to know I’m not the only one who sees the writing on the wall regarding the show’s direction.

What do you want to happen with Gene’s future?

And what do you think of Bode’s behaviors?

Is he out of control or doing everything right?

Let us know in the comments!

Sara Trimble is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. You can follow her on X.

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