I hate even writing this, but Will Trent Season 3 Episode 6 was my least favorite episode of the season so far.
The Will Trent weekly promo, synopsis, and spoiler photos hinted that Will would notice a familiar pattern in a murder and confront his past. We didn’t see that.
Will noticed a pattern among crime scenes, where he suspected Rafael might be involved, but it almost seemed like the rapist and killer the APD dealt with was the mastermind that was one step ahead of everyone.

That was the more interesting case. The GBI case dragged on more because I kept waiting for Rafael Wexford to spice things up, and it never happened.
While There Were Familiar Patterns, the GBI Case Dragged On
I almost always enjoy the GBI cases, but this one dragged. As the synopsis teased, it had nothing to do with Will’s past.
Finding a burned body in a building a year later didn’t match the crime scenes in Will Trent Season 3 Episode 1.
The only similarity was it occurred on Grovepark Boys territory, which raised suspicion, especially when the new owner wouldn’t reveal where he’d gotten the cash to buy the building.
The problem was they couldn’t necessarily tie Lincoln Spelling or Rafael Wexford to the crime since it looked more like an overused trope — an affair — and the new lover and his best friend killed Cedric.

This was so disappointing after this case had been promoted as the case with familiar patterns, where Will confronted his past.
Will barely had scenes with Rafael. They encountered each other once when Will recognized that watch, which better comes into play again later.
I wanted more background on why Will suspected Rafael was involved and their relationship, not a tired trope used in the case of the week.
Rafael Wexford Was Only Used Efficiently With Sunny and Amanda
Rafael Wexford was needed as a foil with Cedric’s murder to illustrate how Elias got the money to purchase the buildings and do his dirty work, but there was no proof.
That was disappointing. His return helped demonstrate how his daughter, Sunny, was coping. They were more used to him dropping whenever he wanted and not following Amanda’s strict schedule.

Will and Faith weren’t far off when they suggested Sunny was up to something, but finding Rafael cooking in Amanda’s kitchen was unexpected.
Both adults had valid points and wanted the best for Sunny. Living in an unstable environment, not knowing when her father is going to show up, isn’t healthy for her. She needs weekly reliable visitation she can count on.
However, Sunny should be able to refer to Amanda’s house as her home and feel more comfortable seeing her father. Part of the problem lies in whether she still feels like a guest.
Amanda meant well, but she must still balance strict rules and compassion.
Will Anyone Trust Angie’s Instincts With Rape and Murder Cases?
While it’s frustrating that so many of Angie’s cases have dealt with rape and murder, it’s her kryptonite.
Finding a woman in the woods with her tongue cut off would remind Michael and Angie of John. It was disheartening that only Michael stood by Angie.

Even the captain thought she was too invested and had the new DA stop them from questioning John when the circumstantial evidence was overwhelming,
I get it. We’ve seen the DAs do the same thing on Law & Order: SVU, and it’s frustrating there, too, when more crimes are committed.
The evidence seemed damning as Michael learned that John owned a P.O. box next to the victim, Peggy, who told her coworker she was afraid of a man in the mailroom.
Initially, Angie and Michael were convinced they had the right guy, especially after John escaped, and they interviewed his sister. However, then some doubts crept in.
While John had a violent temper, some clues didn’t add up.
That mailbox was opened up while he was in prison, and his credit score was way too high for someone who spent 20 years in prison.

While he insisted he was being framed, no one listened until Angie. She didn’t want to because she doubted her instincts but didn’t think she was wrong this time.
Angie fought an upward battle because so many people were watching her every move.
She finally appealed to the only person who might understand, and that took guts and courage.
Angie: Will, someone took 20 years from this guy. I saw the look on his face. He won’t make it to county alive. Someone set him up, and the answer is in there. If you’ve ever believed in me ever once…
Will: Let’s start from the beginning.
Proving John Shelley’s innocence will likely be a longer arc. I suspect his brother-in-law, who seemed eager to point out his flaws and throw John under the bus.
I’m cautiously optimistic about watching Will and Angie work on a case together again.
When Angie is passionate about something, there is no stopping her.

Thanks to Some Nudging, Will Moves On with Marion
Marion and Will’s flirting heated up. She was the first person who could touch his scar without him flinching or getting upset.
Their flirting was casual and easy, so he probably invited her to dinner soon after Faith reminded him it was okay to like Marion.
I wish we had seen more of their romantic dinner and not just them cleaning up, though it was adorable how Marion gave in and fed Betty some salmon.
Will’s kitchen is always the make-out spot.
I appreciated the lightheartedness and accuracy as Marion read his palm. She’s grown to know his heart, mind, and soul rather quickly.

That kiss was hot but went from sweet to downright hot in seconds. It was difficult to believe that Will would have gone that fast so quickly after his broken heart.
Over to you, Will Trent Fanatics.
Do you think John Shelley is innocent, and will Angie be able to prove it in time?
What are your thoughts on Will and Marion’s hook-up? Who’s causing trouble for the Grovepark Boys?
We would love to hear your thoughts, so please share them with us below.
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