Transplant Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Baggage


Is the honeymoon already over for Bash and Mags? 

Maybe that’s a little harsh. But York Memorial’s hot new couple suffered from growing pains on Transplant Season 3 Episode 2.

Things started well as Amira spent the weekend with a friend, so Bash didn’t have to leave Mags’ apartment.

Things took a turn when Mags’ parents visited Toronto and invited her and her new boyfriend to dinner.

Mags knew it was too soon in their relationship but extended an invitation to Bash anyway.

Bash knew it was a bad idea, but being the nice guy he is, he went along with it for Mags’ sake.

The dinner could have gone worse. It went about as expected, as her parents began interrogating Bash and then told stories about young Mags, which embarrassed her.

Then her dad, Sylvain, started choking, and Bash jumped into action, performing the Heimlich Maneuver and turning opinion firmly in his favor.

That was when things took a turn. Sylvain insisted something was still stuck in his throat, so they had little choice but to take him to their hospital to be checked out.

Then, nurse Arnold discovered Bash had gone out to dinner with Mags and her parents and put two and two together.

The gossip train had left the station. No more thrill of sneaking around as their relationship blooms in private.

Before long, everyone was stopping and congratulating them. The general theme of the staff was “What took so long?”

However, all of the attention was making Bash squirm. He’s very private and didn’t like their relationship out there for public consumption.

There was another point of contention. While Mags had already introduced Bash to her parents, Bash was hesitant to inform Amira about her because he didn’t want Amira to get “invested” in their relationship in case it failed.

Mags was right when she accused him of planning for the worse, even when they were getting going. It’s understandable since Bash hasn’t had much luck in the romance department since landing in Canada.

Fortunately, they jumped off that discussion before things deteriorated too much. Also, there was enough chaos going on in the emergency department.

Mags managed not to clash with her new boss in cardiology. But Bash wasn’t so lucky while handling his disappointment of being pulled out of trauma surgery by Dr. Devi.

It’s not like Bash has a lot of options. He’s still not a Canadian citizen, and he’s only working as a doctor thanks to Bishop. So he can’t threaten to jump ship over Devi’s decision.

Besides, that’s not Bash’s style. He’ll do his ED work to the best of his abilities and hope that Devi notices and rewards him down the road.

Besides, Devi’s not wrong to make Bash work on his people skills. He’s still a wartime surgeon concentrating on survival first and foremost, and those aggressive skills don’t translate well to his current situation. Devi’s trying to teach him that.

Bash is still figuring out Devi’s patient-driven philosophy. Take, for example, his patient Andy, who had a rare condition.

Andy wanted to be treated as quickly and quietly as possible and sent home, which Bash did.

But his daughter brought him back to the ED, complaining loudly about how her father had been treated. Devi put the angry woman in charge of Andy’s treatment despite what Andy wanted.

Ultimately, Andy got the treatment he wanted but discovered that his daughter was right in most cases. But Devi did cave when Bash prioritized his patient’s wishes over his daughter’s.

Devi had other problems to deal with, only some of which she was aware of.

First up would have to be Theo, who has been more than a little off since his return.

He drew his blood to have it tested anonymously. When the lab called him on that, Claire stepped in to help him after he admitted his hands had been tingling. All the bloodwork proved was that his problem was psychological.

He’s also been too rough with patients since returning. The overly sensitive rabies victim called him on it, as did the new student nurse. Could that be mental as well?

Theo has also been picking up way too many shifts, using work to keep him too busy to think about what he’s been through. Devi picked up on that, forcing him to pare back his schedule somewhat.

Devi’s biggest problem is going to be the trauma OR. Cutters are never going to put patients first. They want to show off what they can do.

Novak seemed to think he had his own little fiefdom in the middle of Devi’s ED. That’s probably why he’s ducking most of her questions about how he operates his OR.

And June finds herself stuck in the middle, uncertain she’s made the right choice joining Novak’s fledgling department. It doesn’t help that Novak listens to no one’s voice but his own.

Her problem is that Novak keeps surprising her, like when he did exactly what she had suggested for the gutted patient Otto. Then he disappeared to Turkey, leaving her in charge in his absence.

Will Bash and Mags weather this storm?

What’s wrong with Theo?

Who will June end up siding with, Novak or Devi?

Comment below.

Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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