Peacemaker Series Premiere Review: The Quest for Peace


James Gunn’s latest project as part of the DC Extended Universe has all the makings of a success.

With an impressive cast led by John Cena, a comical script, first-rate production values, and a fantastic soundtrack to boot, Peacemaker has solidified as one of my favorite shows in years.

Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 1, Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 2, and Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 3 flawlessly introduced us to this wonderful world, complete with fresh and exciting characters.

Christopher’s journey on The Suicide Squad was compelling, but he was also a very polarizing figure. You don’t kill Rick Flag and snag a legion of fans.

It was evident there would be more to the story for Christopher than getting out of the hospital and resuming the life he left behind several years before.

If we’ve learned anything about Amanda Waller throughout her time in the franchise, it’s that she always has another trick up her sleeve and that she won’t allow people to get away without paying back their debt to her.

Cena brings a certain vulnerability to this unconventional superhero, and you could tell he was having a blast throughout every single beat of these opening episodes.

The one-liners alone are enough to tune in, but Christopher is a lot of fun as he adapts to situations. His knack for saying how he feels without considering the impact of his words makes it even more watchable.

The escape from the apartment building after killing the Butterfly was something. The scenes were executed very well, throwing in comical beats when the going got tough.

The fight in the apartment was also handled well, proving that the transition to the small screen for this character has come at zero detriments to the quality.

Peacemaker is a good hero to examine under a microscope with a story told over a longer arc because the people in his orbit are just as exciting to watch as him.

If Christopher’s relationship with his father was strained before his prison time, then I shudder to think what it will be like now that Auggie has been sent to prison for his son’s crime.

There was a specific look in Auggie’s eyes that confirmed he was prepared to embrace his dark side all over again, likely setting him up as a villain for our band of antiheroes down the line.

Auggie is a horrible person. He’s cold as ice towards his son, offering no support. His political views will never align with his son’s, and I expect that to be a huge source of conflict throughout Peacemaker Season 1.

His father’s comments towards the detective were heinous, so it was satisfying seeing him getting arrested for a crime he didn’t commit.

Auggie will have known his son was to blame, more so after learning the truth about how the butterfly was murdered.

That freaking butterfly, though. I had no idea what would transpire inside that apartment, but I didn’t expect her to try to kill Peacemaker.

She was powerful, cunning, and almost got her wish. The beauty of this series based on the first three episodes is that it is unpredictable.

Danielle Brooks is another strong point as Leota. My jaw was on the floor when we learned she was Amanda’s daughter.

Amanda doesn’t trust anyone, so putting her own child into the mission was clearly a way for her to manipulate situations from afar.

The good thing about Leota is that she’s the polar opposite of her mother, likely helping to conceal her identity.

But damn, wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall when the truth inevitably drops? As the newest member of the team, people are fast to call out Leota for anything that goes wrong.

Everyone would probably look up to her if they knew half of it. I suspect Leota will bond with Christopher over them having differing views from their parents.

Then again, the show could pull a 180 and reveal Leota as a master manipulator who has been playing dumb to make people not suspect anything is amiss about her.

Harcourt is cold as ice, but you can tell there’s a bond between her and Peacemaker. Her tough exterior is thanks to her past, and it sounds like she was a trained killer from a young age. 

Freddie Stroma is also a good addition as Vigilante. Vigilante is not an official member of the team, but after the way he helped kill three members of the butterfly family, he’ll probably be utilized more as the series progresses.

The back and forth between Vigilante and Peacemaker was tightly written.

After the three episodes, it’s clear there are plenty of plots to go around for the entire cast, and we’ll need to tune in to the rest of Peacemaker Season 1 to see if the show can keep up the pace.

What did you think of the three-part premiere?

Are you onboard for the series?

What do you think Auggie will do now that he’s been incarcerated?

Do you think he will go after his on?

What are your thoughts on the team?

Did you expect Leota to be related to Amanda?

Hit the comments.

Peacemaker continues Thursdays on HBO Max.

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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