Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Pegasus Girl


Considering how much storytelling has been accomplished in such a short time, it’s almost hard to believe this fantastic series has only had three episodes.

The first season of Orphan Black: Echoes is only a fourth of its way through its episode count, but it still doesn’t feel like nearly enough to fully convey the past, present, and future of these incredibly well-written characters.

Lucy isn’t as present during Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 3, focusing primarily on Jules and where she came from, which works in the episode’s favor since the tone has shifted back to its darker atmosphere.

Even though new characters trickle in with each new episode, this one, in particular, felt as though it was setting up the launch pad to kick the story into high gear.

With all that being said, let’s get into this episode and review the good and a few smatterings of bad because even as impressive as this show is, it is not without its questionable decisions.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Series Premiere Review: A Beautiful Bird in a Cage

First, there is no getting around breaking down aspects of a futuristic society in any and all science fiction shows because many projects will cherry-pick which tropes and cliches to use.

Recently, there has been a surge in “driverless-car crashes,” such as in the Upload episode “Welcome to Upload,” and while there is potential, the protocols behind something like that would be ridiculous.

Pam: So, I have some news and, um, it’s not good. You were in a head-on collision with a driverless truck. You were sitting in the back. Your parents were in the front. They didn’t make it. I’m so, so sorry.
Jules: Okay, what else?

The number of lawsuits against car companies would blow up the automobile industry, but credit to Jules for taking the news in stride while keeping it together.

Then again, it’s probably not that hard to remain calm about the loss of parents that you don’t even remember having.

I’m not sad because they died. I’m sad because I feel nothing. I can’t remember them!


Regardless, what these people are feeding her as the story of her life is sick.

If this is a tactic to force latent memories from her printing, they are going about it in the most morbid and truly traumatic way possible.

What has to be acknowledged as either a purposeful choice or an oversight by the writers is the continual use of what looks like photos from the late eighties or early nineties.

Seriously, with driverless cars and IVs, you can slap on an arm, which finds the vein on its own; how are these incredibly old-looking photos not a red flag to Jules or any other character?

They didn’t even try running the images through AI.

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This Doctor Teller is a piece of work, too, because it seems like she chooses the most emotion-inducing moments to drop depressing information onto Jules.

Jules: And then I get to live with my grandpa?
Pam: No, honey. Your grandpa is not well enough to take you. He had a stroke. I thought you knew that.

It’s a testament to the series’ amazing storytelling that knowing Jules is a clone and then seeing these monsters forcing this sad past story on her creates an intense sympathy reaction in the viewer.

It really makes us nostalgic for Uncle Felix’s quick quips in Orphan Black Season 1 Episode 2 because while this backstory successfully paints a picture of her past, it’s still depressing on another level.

That is an official request to AMC for more Uncle Felix funnies.

Again, they may be trying to force buried memories up by telling her the story of whoever she was copied from, but for what possible purpose would that be necessary?

Furthermore, who is this awful Payton broad?

So, my mom is kind of, like, really pissed with your mom for being three months behind on the rent. And I was,like, “Mom, the woman is literally dead now!”


They introduced the character for less than five minutes, which felt like it was expressly designed to infuriate audiences with this most basic chick of the future.

Jules is a better person than most because I don’t think most people would’ve remained so calm in the face of that level of extra.

It almost seems like the people fabricating Jules’s past are bringing in reasons for her to hate it, so she’ll choose to start over fresh.

This is the kind of mental manipulation that would make even Professor X clutch his pearls and gay gasp.

She has definitely upgraded because I don’t know many foster families living in high-rise luxury homes, but maybe social services have set their standards to stratospheric.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Jules

Of all these characters that clearly have hidden agendas and motives, the most interesting and most complex character so far has been Doctor Kira Manning, who should be easy to dislike due to being at the center of the whole operation.

Kira: Thank you for donating blood today.
Rhona: Giving back is one of our foundational Quaker beliefs.
Kira: Yeah, a lot of people have that belief.

However, she seems to have the biggest heart with the purest of intentions and priorities, with her focus being as far from herself as possible, even though the same can not be said for some of her associates.

No, my therapist says it’s important to practice joy. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Mom and Dad. And Jennipurr, my bengal, has had this stomach problem that has been the most stressful thing in my life.


I’m glad to see that problems in the future are still just as relatable, but I have a hard time believing that someone who named their cat “Jennipurr” has difficulty finding joy in their life.

But back to Jules, because while we sympathize with the girl, how and when did she start her own Breaking Bad business with these designer drugs that she is dishing to adolescents?

Friend: So, I ended up snorting the last ones, and I tripped so hard. Like, my dream from the night before started playing out on the bus right to school.
Jules: Yeah, that’s probably a bad idea.

That kind of symptom is right up there with hysterical blindness and butt sneezing.

But if there is any character in this series that deserves the biggest, warmest hug, it’s Charlie.

The writers are putting that poor child through the wringer and, by design, the audience because each scene with her feels like your heart is being pulled out with the amount of guilt the girl feels overshooting the hitman sent to hurt Lucy.

Lucy: You did what you did to protect me.
Charlie: Why did we leave him on the ground? Like he didn’t even exist.

It’s just too much. Drama is a give-in with an intense series like this one, but enough is enough.

Give her and the rest of us a break because we want to see the character joyful again.

Actually, introduce her to Tom because, good God, that man is exhausting with every word that flies out of his mouth, dripping with the very essence of toxic male masculinity.

To each their own and be your true self or whatever, but if that “self” sucks, maybe seek a futuristic pill that recalibrates your personality.

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This episode did introduce a new life mantra that was somehow both perfectly expressive and oh-so cringe-worthy.

“Forever wild. Forever free. Forever me.”


Is this the new “Live, Laugh, Love” because that’ll be hard to embroider on a middle-aged woman’s throw pillow?

Then there is this Darros dude, and I said it in my review for Orphan Black: Season 1 Episode 2, this Darros dude is probably the big bad, and he pretty much confirmed it during his exchange with Kira.

Kira: I want your word that you won’t hurt her.
Darros: Hurt her? Dr. Manning, I’m sorry. I’m a philanthropist, not some movie villain.

Tell me you’re a villain by telling me you’re not a villain.

We’re just glad Jules could figure out the truth on her own in the end.

Like everything Dr. Teller said that happened to me. Did she just make it all up? I mean, what kind of an asshole would do that, though?


Hopefully, that last moment between Jules and Lucy is a sign of upcoming events on the friendship and working together front.

Of course, teenage version of me is a drug dealer.


Krysten RItter is seriously spreading her acting wings with this series because she has shown an incredible amount of range that fully draws in the viewer.

So far, this series has been incredible, with next-level writing, out-of-this-world acting, and expertly crafted dialogue.

Currently, there are almost too many unanswered questions to keep up with, but as mentioned above, this episode felt like a launch pad for more action-paced plots to come.

Whatever the case, we are hooked and can’t wait to see where Jules and Lucy’s road leads.

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Why do you think Jules and Lucy are only one year apart in their printings?

What do you think is at the core of chaotic conspiracy?

Drop a comment below to let us know, and join us again when we review the next episode of Orphan Black: Echoes!

Joshua Pleming is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. You can follow him on X.

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