Never Have I Ever Season 4 Episode 2 Review: …gotten sweet revenge


Devi’s car had been in her possession for less than a day before it had been vandalized.

On Never Have I Ever Season 4 Episode 2, Devi set out to find whoever was responsible for the atrocity, and she turned out to be wrong.

But before realizing that, she made a few mistakes causing friction between Ben, herself, and Margot.

Just because Devi had accepted that she and Ben were not meant to be didn’t mean that her feelings for him would disappear overnight.

Ben was in a better position because he already had a girlfriend, so he could focus on her, making getting over Devi easier.

But Devi had no one. It is a thin line between love and hate; both feelings are very strong.

So, Devi set her sights on punishing Margot.

Half of it was about the car, and the other half was because she considered Margo a homewrecker.

When Devi sets her sight on something, nothing can deter her from it except herself. Even when wrong, she has to find that out by herself. Sometimes it happens early; other times, she has ruined every relationship she has, or she has burned all the bridges.

Our hopes that she and Ben would become allies in their common pursuit of academic excellence went up in smoke. They had downgraded from frenemies to enemies now.

Speaking of burned bridges, Devi has burned her college recommendation letter bridge on Never Have I Ever Season 4 Episode 1, and she must focus on it.

But her anger towards Margot would not let her.

Sometimes when you are deep into something, you fail to see its shortcomings.

Fabiola had been so into Robotics that she didn’t notice that the club, dominated by boys, had become toxic because of how boys talk.

In such an environment, exercising caution is essential because of the diversity.

But when that diversity is nonexistent, people can easily default to basic gender behaviors.

The boys were never looking to harass girls or prevent them from joining the club, but the environment they created made it impossible for anyone new who was not a boy to take the club seriously.

Even Fabiola realized that she had been picking up their behavior, which is how environments cultivate toxic cultures.

Aneesa: That’s not why girls don’t join robotics. It’s because your team is Incel City, USA.
Fabiola: That’s not true. Eric’s far from celibate. There is no restroom stall in the school that he and Rosalia haven’t hooked up in. He tells us about it at the top of every meeting.
Aneesa: Yeah. Do you see how women might not jump at the chance to listen to that?
Fabiola: Hold up. Aneesa, are you saying that the team that I’m captain of is toxic?

Who’s willing to bet that if they had continued like that, a few years later, those boys would be in legal trouble for sexual assault?

And like the queen she is, she made them clean up their act.

It was heart-warming to see her excited to see the first girl sign up for the club.

Her mission was a success, but will it remain like that?

Post-Trent Eleanor was looking to drown her sorrows in a new boy, and you know, it has always been on brand for Eleanor to go after the hot dumb types.

Eleanor: ‘Sup, Ethan? Cool bruise.
Ethan: Uh… Yeah, I fell.
Eleanor: Wow, you’re crazy.

Ethan was the newest hot dumb type she set her eyes on.

Michael Cimino was cast as Ethan, and even though he passes the physical appearance requirements, the character’s introduction has been less than engaging.

Ethan is eerily similar to a character Michael had played on Senior Year. Ethan is like a mix of Trent and Paxton.

I’m not too keen on him being better if he doesn’t get too much screen time on Never Have I Ever Season 4.

Speaking of Paxton, what was he doing at Sherman Oaks? Had he decided to return and join Trent for one final year of stupid shenanigans? No, he looked too sharp for that.

Elsewhere, Nirmala had a boyfriend!

Nirmala: Kamala, please meet my white boyfriend.
Kamala: Why tell me he’s white? I can see him.

That was a surprise because, based on her formative years of culture and her current age, no one expected her to have a boyfriend.

Men and society ignore many women her age because the reproductive value society had placed on them for their entire does not exist anymore, and thus, they become invisible.

She didn’t think there was more in a relationship, for example, companionship.

Were it not for Kamala assuring her that it would be okay, she would have hidden her White boyfriend forever. Kamala was the support she needed. If only they had shown her the same with Manish.

Devi realized that she was also digging Ethan.

I won’t pretend to know girl codes, but I’m pretty sure liking your best friend’s crush when they had just been dumped is breaking a code somewhere.

This has the potential to play out in two ways.

Either Eleanor will be mad and never speak to Devi again, or she won’t be bothered by it because she was trying to get over Trent but was failing.

But one sure thing is that Devi cannot keep her hands off Ethan. You can always trust Devi to mess up like that.

Hanging thoughts

  • Principal Shephard is always so funny. We ought to be getting more of her. The scene in her office was good. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t improvised. How they volleyed on law enforcement dramas like Law and Order: SVU, NCIS, and CSI was genius.
  • Another scene-stealer was Nirmala coming clean to the family about her White boyfriend.

Nirmala: I need to tell everyone something. I know this family looks to me as a pillar of morality, almost godlike in virtue, but I’m a mere woman. A woman with needs. So I would like it to be known that I’m dating someone. He’s a white man named Len.
Kamala: Once again, you really didn’t need to mention his race.
Nirmala: And we’ve been going on clandestine, unchaperoned lunches together. There. The truth is out. Disown me if you must.

“…gotten sweet revenge” was fun but felt like a detour from some of the major storylines for the season. Only Fabiola’s Robotics storyline panned out.

What did you think?

Is Eleanor over Trent yet, or are they endgame?

Will Ben ever forgive Devi, or is this the beginning of the end of #Bevi?

What is Paxton doing back?

Let us know in the comments section.

Denis Kimathi is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on Twitter.

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