Flowers in the Attic: The Origin’s Hannah Dodd Ponders Corrine’s Decisions and Offers her Advice


Hannah Dodd plays Corrine Foxworth in Lifetime’s Flowers in the Attic: The Origin.

She’s right in the middle of one of the most complicated storylines in history and takes viewers right up to the moment the Mother of the Century allows her children to be locked in an attic.

We spoke with Hannah about living in the strange Foxworth family, and her answers don’t disappoint!

What have you liked the most about being a part of Flowers in the Attic: The Origin?

Working with the cast and creative team was an absolute joy. I’ve made friendships for life, and we just had the best four months making this project.

Other than that, it was a really challenging role for me!

It was really fun to spend so long with a character, taking her from 16 up to her 30s and what that means from an acting perspective.

She experiences so much trauma throughout that time. And getting to delve into a mindset like hers.

There was just so much to play with. I’m very grateful.

All things considered, Corinne was a fairly normal girl growing up. And then she killed the wrong Malcolm and hooked up with her uncle-brother. How did she get to this point?

Honestly, I think she was almost doomed from the start, and I don’t think it was any one thing.

She didn’t have a model of a loving relationship, so she grapples for anything that serves her and makes her feel good outside of Foxworth Hall. I think being so overly protected within those walls by Malcolm only made her more rebellious.

It starts small with learning the art of manipulation with her parents and escalates. I enjoyed playing with mirroring some of Malcolm’s behavior within her relationship with Christopher super subtly.

Everyone had so much to deal with personally that it was very easy to miss each other’s cries for help, so they spiraled.

What do you consider Corinne’s best and worst qualities?

I think her best and worst qualities are the same thing; her ability to bounce back. In the early stages, this is a beautiful thing. She picks herself up over and over and focuses on the positive.

But then this moves into more scary territory, and her ability to shut out negativity and see the world her specific way, ignore rules/pain/anything that doesn’t serve her instant goal, as we see in Flowers in the Attic.

She’s in her own little bubble; I think she developed it as a protection mechanism growing up. But it needed popping a while ago.

In what scenario do you imagine she might have made better decisions?

Had Olivia and the kids got out and away from Malcolm a long time ago, perhaps things would have been different for all of them.

Why do you think the Foxworth family is so keen on inter-family relations?

Oooh. I don’t know. Maybe they are so cut off from society generations and generations model the behavior they see.

Maybe it’s the emotional abuse that takes place there. They become so reliant on somebody so close with a lack of outside relationships. Maybe it’s a narcissistic obsession with the Foxworth name. Who knows.

Where will we find Corinne going into the finale?

We pick up right where ep three finishes, and we end right where Flowers in the Attic starts. I can’t tell you much more than that, but we’ve got quite a way to go with many more twists and turns.

If you could give Corinne advice, what would it be?

Move far, far away and get a good therapist… take Olivia with you.

What’s your finale-watching advice?

Snacks. Stiff drink. Buckle up. And thank you for supporting our messed-up show!


We’ve got a review with Jemina Rooper, who plays Olivia, coming up later today as we prepare for the final episode of Flowers in the Attic: The Origin.

Be sure to tune in to Lifetime at 8/7c to see how it all unfolds!

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She’s a member of the Critic’s Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on Twitter and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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