
Guess what kicks off this week? Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas!! That’s right, folks. We’re still celebrating spooky season, but Christmas is already upon us. Who’s ready?? In addition to Christmas, we’ve got the Billions finale, Fellow Travelers, and 30 Coins, among other things. Find out what we recommend you watch this week. Saturday, October 21
Is the honeymoon already over for Bash and Mags?  Maybe that’s a little harsh. But York Memorial’s hot new couple suffered from growing pains on Transplant Season 3 Episode 2. Things started well as Amira spent the weekend with a friend, so Bash didn’t have to leave Mags’ apartment. Things took a turn when Mags’ parents visited Toronto and invited
For the longest time, people sought out films at the movie theater to be scared out of their minds. These 13 TV shows prove that television can be scary, too. We’re willing to bet at least one of them will raise the hairs on the back of your neck! 1. The X-Files (FOX) From aliens
Who won the power to raid the camp of one of the losing tribes? On Survivor Season 45 Episode 3, Jeff revealed news about the latest competition and how it could change everything. Meanwhile, tribes rolled their way to a win to secure safety for one more night. Elsewhere, a shocking turn of events left
It takes some true dialogue-forging skill to drop tiny details into conversation without drawing a lot of attention only to become incredibly significant later on. Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 2 is rife with finesse as it pilots Ben through a classic catastrophe-aversion leap while providing catch-up on the lives of the rest of the
It’s always hard to say goodbye to a show you’ve grown to love. It’s even harder to imagine a television superteam landscape without the unpredictable, over-the-top, completely unapologetic hijinks of the Doom Patrol. After three and a half seasons of flatulent donkeys, time travel, interdimensional shenanigans, sex ghosts, puppets, and freakin’ were-BUTTS, our misfit superbeings